Описание сервера комплекса:
Flawless geodata. DDOS protection of 60 Gbps.

English speaking admins. No overpowered donations.

Exp: x90
Sp: x90
Party xp: x1
Adena drop: x135
drop: x45
spoil: x45
Quest drop: x15
Quest reward: x3

Enchant Details:
Limit: 25
Safe: 3
Simple chance: 60%
Blessed chance: 75%

Hero: Changes last day of the week
Start time: Default

Buff count: 26 + 4
Buff time: 1 hour
Auto learn skills: on
Max clients per ip: 2
Offline shop: on
Geodata, pathnodes: on
.menu: on
anti-bot: on
