Описание сервера комплекса:
L2sig is one of the best mid rate servers there are. Perfect class balance,\r\nstable gameplay, no corruption and no bugs! Together with that, we also have the most\r\nadvanced ddos protection as well as dedicated server to host at least 4000 players\r\neasily. Expect huge online! No wipe until end of summer!\r\n\r\nSome Features:\r\n\r\nXP: 95x\r\nSP: 95x\r\nAdena Drop: 100x\r\nItem drop: 35x\r\nSpoil: 35x\r\nRaidBoss drop: 18x\r\nQuest drop: 10x\r\nQuest reward: 4x (not for all)\r\nParty XP rate: 2x\r\nParty SP rate: 2x\r\n\r\nOther:\r\n\r\nScheme buffer\r\nmodified GrandBoss respawn times\r\nPlayer shop to B grade\r\nWeekly olympiad\r\nWeekly Sieges\r\n\r\nStart date: 02/08/2013 18:00 GMT+3.\r\n\r\nhttp://l2sig.com\r\n\r\n\r \n\r\nshort info\r\n\r\nL2sig is one of the best mid rate servers there are. Perfect class balance,\r\nstable gameplay, no corruption and no bugs! 100% ddos protected.