HighFive ow rate server start
Welcome Everyone,

We are delighted to announce that server`s starting date is finally confirmed! Server will be starting at 18:00 GMT+2 on 25th of October 2013. Server is already fully finished and ready to welcome you Online.

System pack will be uploaded few days before the launch.

Please feel free to notify your friends and invite them to join you on the server. Please use server`s dedicated Forum freely for your communication as well as starting new or reuniting your old clans on the server.

We hope to see you all and much more Online at 18:00 GMT+2 on 25th of October, 2013.

See you then!!!

More information about server: www dziunglles com
Автор: maugllis 0  14 октября 2013 15:22  0 баллов

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