Описание сервера комплекса:
» Xp 50x.
» Sp 50x.
» Aden 300x.
» Drop 10x.
» PartyXp 2x.
» PartySp 2x.
» Starting level 1.

Enchant rates:
» Safe enchant (+4).
» Max enchant (+25 With crystal from +16).
» Enchant Armor-Jewelry (+25)
» Enchant Max Weapon(+25)
» Simple enchant scrolls chance - 55%.
» Blessed enchant scrolls chance - 80%.
» Crystal enchant scrolls chance - 50% ( if fail remain the same enchant).

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Custom items:
» Platinium Weapon.
» Custom Tattoo L2Seven.
» Platinium Armor.
» Raid Boss Jewelry [Event Shop or Rbs].

=============================== ===
Unique features:
» Auto Learn Skills.
» Auto Loot.
» x10 Weight Penalty.
» Class Masters.
» Custom NPC's.
» Raid Bosses.
» 28+4 Buff Slots.
» Clan Hall System.
» 120 Second Unstuck Command.
» Spawn Protection.
» Sieges Working.
» Duel System.
» All Skills Working.
» Platinium Weapons can be enchanted.
» PvP Color System.
» Karma Gain/Loss : 240-10000.
» Drop Items At Karma.

============================ ======
Voiced commands:
.topz one

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Olympiad game:
» Retail olympiad game.
» Competition period [4] week.
» Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00] +2 GMT time zone.

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Vote reward: