Александр Чухнов
Комментариев: 1
Игрокарма: 0
Блог пользователя Александр Чухнов
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l2reborn.com23 апреля 2021 1:58Перейти к сообщению.0
What can I say about this server? The server does not particularly like the Russian community "DOES NOT LOVE STRONGLY" I lived on this server for 3 months until this server OVERLOOKED without reason and blocked access to the server for me and my people (about 30 people), blocked accounts of 70+ pcs. They slandered that I was selling things on their server for real money "WHAT CATEGORALLY was not" and refused to provide evidence based on their state and the world! And similar bans are repeated every season without evidence of the exclusively Russian community that gathers with them and begins to kill their Lyubimchikov (stars). Evidence was found of the gaming administration and those close to it who receive priorities in the game! If you start on this server, then your way is only to sit in the bushes and not get out on the path of war or be banned when you have already spent a decent amount of time on the server!