24lineage.ru → L2OVC Red vs Green pvp! | ||||
L2 Order VS Chaos Interlude Factions Server Website: http://l2ovc.com Forum: http://l2ovc.com/forums Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2OvC/ Opening Date: 16/07/2016 16:00 GMT+2 Events The gameplay is based on a routine of events which will run constantly, each event has its own goals. * Maps - The longest events with biggest kinds of goals to accomplish, maps will end faster if their goal is achieved, a raid boss will spawn 5 minutes before the map ends. * Faction Events - runs for the winning team of a map (in case a map ended in a tie, this type of event is skipped), if they complete it they get extra rewards. * Mini Events - Starts once the faction event is over, this is a short type event with only funny objectives, registration to event is required. * Grand Bosses - In peak times, there is a chance that a grand boss event will start for all players after a mini event ends. Buffs * AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes. * 4 hours buff duration. * Buff slots 20+4. * Summons restore buffs when resummoned. * Buffs kept after death (including toggles). * Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours. * Anti buff griefing system. * Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot. * Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds. Enchanting * Retail enchant rates. * Only blessed enchant scrolls available. * Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body). * Max enchant +16. * Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%. PvP * PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame. * Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die. * Players can be spoiled for extra rewards. * Debuffs and heals also count as damage. * Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player). * Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP. Class Balance * Energy stones cannot be used to increase force. * Dash reuse doubled. * Increased all cubic chances. * Revival can be used at 15% HP instead of 5%. * Removed all full lethals. * Heroic Miracle duration reduced to 8 seconds. * Increased Arrest range. * Increased Force Barrier reuse delay. * Mirage reuse doubled. * Mirage chance reduced from 80% to 50%. * Reduced full recovery chance from hero rod/scepter to 1%. * Cat/Pony buffs are target self/pet only. * Increased Whiplash reuse delay. * Armor Mastery penalty enabled outside of olympiad. * Critical damage bonus for blows reduced from x2 to x1.4 outside of olympiad. * All fear and stun skills base duration reduced to 2 seconds. * All silence skills base duration reduced to 4 seconds. * All debuff durations were reduced. * Increased max targets that can be attacked by a warlord by 5. * Necro summons can only receive speed buffs. * Greatly reduced m.crit rate outside of olympiad. * Reduced m.crit damage from x4 to x3 outside of olympiad. * Archers damage reduced by 15% outside of olympiad. * Increased warlords damage by 25% outside of olympiad. * Destroyers cannot reduce more than 40% of target's max HP+CP in a single hit outside of olympiad. * Increased summons damage by 20% outside of olympiad. * Increased human tankers damage by 20% outside of olympiad when not wearing a bow. * Increased elf and dark elf tankers damage by 50% outside of olympiad when not wearing a bow. * Gladiators force skills damage reduced by 25% outside of olympiad. * Tyrants force skills damage reduced by 10% outside of olympiad. More Balance Changes * Bonus buff for people who die too much without making kills. * Bonus buff for losing team during an event. * Elo/Count based balance systems. * Team balance system. * Gear dependent reward system. * Anti farm system. * Anti AFK system. Olympiad * Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available. * Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login. * Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2. * Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday. * Fights regardless of player's faction. * Minimum participants needed is 5. * 3 Olympiad quests enabled. * Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5. Parties * 5 Members maximum inside events. * Increased EXP/SP/Adena rewards when playing in party. * Party limiting to 28 points max, so a party cannot become too strong. * Healers count as 15 points, tankers as 12 points, anything else 0. * Brown title color for party members. Clans * No clan penalties. * 10 members maximum in main clan. * 5 extra members for every royal guard/royal knight the clan has. * 2 clans maximum in an alliance. * Free leveling up to level 2. * Levels 3, 4 and 5 requires SP and quest items (buyable from GM shop). * Levels 6, 7 and 8 requires reputation points. * Only same faction can be inivted to clan or alliance. * Weekly retail like Aden castle siege for clans. * Clan wars - clans can declare war againts clans of opposite faction. Voiced Commands * .info - used during events to show the top players, the score of each team, the goal of the current event and to see own score. * .playalone / .playinparty - turn on/off random parties while joining events. * .shotsoff / .animon / .animoff / .allanimoff - show/hide animations, use if have client lags. * .scoreon / .scoreoff - show/hide the scorebar during events. * .msgon / .msgoff - show/hide killing streak messages on screen. * .radaron / .radaroff - show/hide player radar in events. * .setpin / .changepin / .writepin - manage character-level security pincode. * .elo - if used on others can show others Elo points, otherwise shows self Elo points. * .joinparty - auto join a party during an event. * .progress - use to get information about server current stage, next stage and progress to next stage. Features * Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards. * Rebirth system with skills as rewards. * Global vote reward system for Adena. * Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill. * Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day. * Shift+click players in town to view their items/stats/clan and skills. * Ctrl+click on GCP/QHP to activate auto use of them. * Player ranks system. * Killing spree system. * Events voting system. * Announcements upon raidbosses/grandbosses death. * Advanced GM shop with stages, gifts, stocks and more. * Grand master for subclasses, clan/ally management, skill learning and more. * Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions. * Return skill for all classes instead of SoE. * Free 1st/2nd/3rd class change. * Free subclass. * Dedicated private store zone. * Special town for both factions for improved server economy. * Base starting level 74 (including subclasses). * Max level 80 (including subclasses). * Offline shops. * Trade chat is faction only chat. * Shout chat is region chat and will show player's faction. * Hero chat is global chat and will show player's faction. * Players can duel in town. * Services NPC (faction change, gender change etc...). * Tranining Dummy NPCs to test your class from different prespectives. * Tablet of Information which shows useful tips, info and boss status. * Free freight. * Free Warehouse Keeper. * Augmenter. * Symbol Maker. * 10 seconds spawn protection. * Increased weight/inventory/private store slots. * Players do not lose exp upon death. * No death panalities. * Max 2 chars per PC (only 1 in event). * Character pincode system. * Mini games. * Wedding. * Spoilers can spoil players. * Auto loot. Come and join ;) |
l2beast.ru → Старт ОБТ сервера Craft-PvP Х50!!! | ||||
Старт ОБТ сервера Craft-PvP Х50!!! Друзья, мы рады сообщить, что запуск ОБТ сервера Beast x50 состоится 15 июля 2016 года в 19:00 по Москве! Сейчас же, мы предлагаем вам ознакомиться с нашим форумом - заработать Монеты удачи и найти верных друзей! Настоятельно рекомендуем использовать Beast_Updater.exe, для полноценного обновления клиента. В обычном патче лишь минимальный набор файлов, для входа в игру. Спасибо за выбор нашего проекта. с Уважением администрация проекта L2beast.ru |
|||| → lev4ek@bk.ru | ||||
good |
la2-ultimatum.com → Ты спросишь меня, чем вы лучше другой серой массы серверов? | ||||
Первое и самое важное, мы не обещаем, мы делаем! Занимаюсь серверами больше 6 лет! Все сервера, работали минимум 1 год, без вайпов! Да, у нас нет большего онлайн, но все кто есть, как семья! Нет играющих ГМ, ЕГМ и т.д.. Мы стараемся делать всё для вас. Мы не продаём Админку, Скиллы и прочее в таком духе. Всё что есть в донате, можно получить игровым путём! (Кроме Ника с символами), 100% гарантия Честности! 15.07.2016 запускается сервер на базе Epilogue x1200 Вот ряд Акций и бонусов, а тут подробное описание сервера. Ждём тебя и твоих друзей на старте: 15.07.2016 в 18-00 по МСК. 100% гарантия без вайпа - на весь срок существования сервера, а он неограничен! |
|||| → promo.scryde.ru | ||||
Самый шикарный сервер,эпилог х1200 все сюдаааа! | ||||
angelique.gofreeserve.com → L2-WOLF.RU | ||||
Лучший интерлюд проект l2-wolf.ru | ||||
24lineage.ru → [L2J - High Five] L2 Order VS Chaos [Faction][NEW SEASON][20.05.2016] | ||||
[L2J - High Five] L2 Order VS Chaos [Faction][NEW SEASON][20.05.2016] Events The gameplay is based on a routine of events which will run constantly, each event has its own goals. * Maps - The longest events with biggest kinds of goals to accomplish, maps will end faster if their goal is achieved, a raid boss will spawn 5 minutes before the map ends. * Faction Events - runs for the winning team of a map (in case a map ended in a tie, this type of event is skipped), if they complete it they get extra rewards. * Mini Events - Starts once the faction event is over, this is a short type event with only funny objectives, registration to event is required. * Grand Bosses - In peak times, there is a chance that a grand boss event will start for all players after a mini event ends. Buffs * AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes (no Counter Critical / Song of Wind Storm). * 4 hours buff duration. * Buff slots 20+4. * Summons restore buffs when resummoned. * Buffs kept after death (including toggles). * Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours. * Anti buff griefing system. * Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot. * Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds. Enchanting * Retail enchant rates. * Only blessed enchant scrolls available. * Auxiliary stones can be used with blessed scrolls. * Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body). * Max enchant +16. * Attributing enabled. * Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%. PvP * PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame. * Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die. * Players can be spoiled for extra rewards. * Debuffs and heals also count as damage. * Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player). * Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP. Class Balance (no effect inside olympiad) * Necromancer summons can only receive speed buffs. * Players with less than 13k Elo counts as newbies. * AoE charge damage skills damage are divided by sqrt amount of targets. * Mana burn skills damage doubled. * Steal abnormal acts as normal cancel. * Mirage will have no effect on attacker if damage dealt is less than 500. * Energy stones cannot be used to increase charges. * Heroic Mircale duration reduced to 8 seconds. * Rush Impact chance reduced to 10%, limited to 1-3 targets and 300 range. * The above chance increase if enchanted by 1% chance for every 2 levels enchanted by chance. * Magic critical rate reduced by half vs newbies. * Magic critical damage reduced by half vs newbies. * No buff sharing between Phoenix Knight and its summon. * Fear/Stun base duration is 2 seconds. * Silence base duration is 4 seconds. * Paralyze/Debuffs with duration of 120 reduced to 30, duration of 60 reduced to 20 and duration of 30 reduced to 15. * The above durations increase if enchanted by 1 second for every 2 levels enchanted by time. More Balance Changes * Bonus buff for people who die too much without making kills. * Bonus buff for newbies to increase resistance. * Bonus buff for losing team during an event. * Elo/Count based balance systems. * Team balance system. * Gear dependent reward system. * Anti farm system. * Anti AFK system. Olympiad * Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available. * Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login. * Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2. * Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday. * Fights regardless of player's faction. * Minimum participants needed is 5. * 3 Olympiad quests enabled. * Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5. Parties * 5 Members maximum inside events. * Increased EXP/SP/Adena rewards when playing in party. * Party limiting to 28 points max, so a party cannot become too strong. * Healers count as 15 points, tankers as 12 points, anything else 0. * Brown title color for party members. Clans * No clan penalties. * 10 members maximum in main clan. * 5 extra members for every royal guard/royal knight the clan has. * 2 clans maximum in an alliance. * Free leveling up to level 2. * Levels 3, 4 and 5 requires SP and quest items (buyable from GM shop). * Levels 6, 7, 8 and 11 requires fame. * Levels 9 and 10 requires fame and quest items (buyable from GM shop). * Only same faction can be inivted to clan or alliance. * Weekly retail like Aden castle siege for clans. * Clan wars - clans can declare war againts clans of opposite faction. Voiced Commands * .info - used during events to show the top players, the score of each team, the goal of the current event and to see own score. * .playalone / .playinparty - turn on/off random parties while joining events. * .shotsoff / .animon / .animoff / .allanimoff - show/hide animations, use if have client lags. * .scoreon / .scoreoff - show/hide the scorebar during events. * .msgon / .msgoff - show/hide killing streak messages on screen. * .setpin / .changepin / .writepin - manage character-level security pincode. * .debug - shows the player how his stats affect the final result (in damage, enchant rate etc). * .elo - if used on others can show others Elo points, otherwise shows self Elo points. * .joinparty - auto join a party during an event. Features * Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards. * Rebirth system with certification skills as rewards. * Global vote reward system for Adena. * Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill. * Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day. * Shift+click players in town to view their items/stats/clan and skills. * Ctrl+click on GCP/QHP to activate auto use of them. * Player ranks system. * Killing spree system. * Events voting system. * Announcements upon raidbosses/grandbosses death. * Advanced GM shop with stages, gifts, stocks and more. * Grand master for subclasses, clan/ally management, skill learning (including Pomander skills) and more. * Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions. * Return skill for all classes instead of SoE. * Free 1st/2nd/3rd class change. * Free subclass. * Dedicated private store zone. * Special town for both factions for improved server economy. * Base starting level 80 (including subclasses). * Max level 85 (including subclasses). * Offline shops. * Trade chat is faction only chat. * Shout chat is region chat and will show player's faction. * Hero chat is global chat and will sow player's faction. * Players can duel in town. * Services NPC (faction change, gender change etc...). * Tranining Dummy NPCs to test your class from different prespectives. * Tablet of Information which shows useful tips, info and boss status. * Free mail. * Free Warehouse Keeper. * Augmenter. * Symbol Maker. * 10 seconds spawn protection. * Increased weight/inventory/private store slots. * Players do not lose exp upon death. * No death panalities. * Max 2 chars per PC (only 1 in event). * Character pincode system. * PvP items are elementable, tradeable and augmentable. * Mini games. * Wedding. * Spoilers can spoil players. * Auto loot. Website : L2 Order VS Chaos Factions Server Forum : Forums - L2 Order VS Chaos Community Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/L2OvC |
1stpvp.com → СуУпер Сервак! Interlude x 50 Заходите не пожалеете! | ||||
Онлайн еще маленький, дело наживное, реклама крутится и будет продолжать. Зайдите зацените, можете отписать на форуме, что не понравилось, удалять не будут! >>>>> L2WILD.RU <<<<< |
|||| → СуУпер Сервак! Interlude x 50 Заходите не пожалеете! | ||||
Онлайн еще маленький, дело наживное, реклама крутится и будет продолжать. Зайдите зацените, можете отписать на форуме, что не понравилось, удалять не будут! >>>>> L2WILD.RU <<<<< |
Black-Attack.ru → L2Festina interlude pvp | ||||
Server is Classic (NO CUSTOM) PvP Server with Safe +3 and Max Enchant +16.We Support all Official PTS Features (Retail like: Siege,Fortress,Olympiad,Noblesses,Clan,Skills Formulas,Class Balance,Geodata and more). Our Server is based on Premium RUSSIAN Project LUCERA 3 and Modified by Greek Developers WWW.L2FESTINA.COM GRAND OPENING 15 MAY 2016 |
1stpvp.com → L2Festina interlude pvp | ||||
Server is Classic (NO CUSTOM) PvP Server with Safe +3 and Max Enchant +16.We Support all Official PTS Features (Retail like: Siege,Fortress,Olympiad,Noblesses,Clan,Skills Formulas,Class Balance,Geodata and more). Our Server is based on Premium RUSSIAN Project LUCERA 3 and Modified by Greek Developers WWW.L2FESTINA.COM GRAND OPENING 15 MAY 2016 |
desl.ru → Группа ВКонтакте | ||||
У сервера появилась официальная Группа ВКонтакте Desl.ru. Самые свежие новости сервера (даже если сайт сервера по какой-то причине недоступен), юмор, Lineage2 Art и многое другое. Вступайте или подписывайтесь, мы всем Вам рады! | ||||
Nikolay Nikolaev → Lineage 2 | ||||
Lineage 2 | ||||
4EMIIUOH → промо ролик | ||||
Рекламные ролики на любой вкус и цвет) Портфолио: http://vk.com/devaltorstudio https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLplUI0wOrO4-OT909MkXfbPEbg53r8VWv Контактная информация: skype: devaltords icq: 499 102 598 e-mail: devaltor@gmail.com В короткие сроки и без предоплаты. 4 года работы без претензий. |
|||| → Лучший классический сервер, открытие 18 марта | ||||
Открытие классического PvP сервера Interlude x1200 la2strong.ru состоится 18 марта в 20-00 МСК! Встречайте жаркий классический PvP Сервер la2strong.ru x1200! Вас ждёт современная версия Lineage 2 с отточенным балансом классов, быстрой прокачкой и максимумом премиальных возможностей. Подпишись на легендарный хардкор! |
AnoriS.ru → Набор на ЗБТclassic Interlude x1200 | ||||
Открыт набор игроков для теcтирования PvP сервера la2strong.ru classic Interlude x1200 На данный момент, было принято решение отобрать 50 человек на тест игры. Для участия в тесте необходимо изъявить желание на форуме сервера la2strong.ru Перед проведением ЗБТ наши сотрудники с вами свяжутся |
desl.ru → Начался ивент Валентина | ||||
10.02 - 20.02 Пройдет ивент Валентина. Помогайте с тортами Розалии и она Вас щедро вознаградит! В награде: Свиток трансформации в Единорога, камни зачарования, кристаллы атрибута, благословенные свитки зачарования, возвращения и воскрешения, зелья восстановления HP, временная эпическая бижутерия и золотые слитки. Администрация сервера поздравляет всех с праздником и желает Вам искренней и взаимной Любви! Удачи в Ивенте! |
|||| → www.valteria.com Скоро открытие новго сервера! НЕ ПРОПУСТИ! | ||||
Приглашаем Вас на комплекс серверов VALTERIA! http://valteria.com/ Хроники Interlude. Сервер х9: Слабые РБ, магазин до Б-грейда, баффы по 5 часов, Печати Силы. Новый тестовый сервер Hero PvP х25000: Вы можете купить всего за 10 ивент медалей свиток "One Day Hero" и стать самым сильным игроком. Магазин до S-грейда, нет переточенных игроков, Эпик РБ бижутерия всего за 75 монет! Все это БЕЗ ДОНАТА и БЕЗ ВАЙПОВ! Ждем Вас на нашем сервере! |
euro-off.net → Скоро открытие новго сервера! НЕ ПРОПУСТИ! | ||||
Приглашаем Вас на комплекс серверов VALTERIA! http://valteria.com/ Хроники Interlude. Сервер х9: Слабые РБ, магазин до Б-грейда, баффы по 5 часов, Печати Силы. Новый тестовый сервер Hero PvP х25000: Вы можете купить всего за 10 ивент медалей свиток "One Day Hero" и стать самым сильным игроком. Магазин до S-грейда, нет переточенных игроков, Эпик РБ бижутерия всего за 75 монет! Все это БЕЗ ДОНАТА и БЕЗ ВАЙПОВ! Ждем Вас на нашем сервере! |
|||| → Скоро открытие новго сервера! НЕ ПРОПУСТИ! | ||||
Приглашаем Вас на комплекс серверов VALTERIA! http://valteria.com/ Хроники Interlude. Сервер х9: Слабые РБ, магазин до Б-грейда, баффы по 5 часов, Печати Силы. Новый тестовый сервер Hero PvP х25000: Вы можете купить всего за 10 ивент медалей свиток "One Day Hero" и стать самым сильным игроком. Магазин до S-грейда, нет переточенных игроков, Эпик РБ бижутерия всего за 75 монет! Все это БЕЗ ДОНАТА и БЕЗ ВАЙПОВ! Ждем Вас на нашем сервере! |
Страницы: ← Ctrl предыдущая следующая Ctrl → 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... |