24lineage.ruL2OVC Red vs Green pvp!
L2 Order VS Chaos Interlude Factions Server
Website: http://l2ovc.com
Forum: http://l2ovc.com/forums
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2OvC/
Opening Date: 16/07/2016 16:00 GMT+2

The gameplay is based on a routine of events which will run constantly, each event has its own goals.
* Maps - The longest events with biggest kinds of goals to accomplish, maps will end faster if their goal is achieved, a raid boss will spawn 5 minutes before the map ends.
* Faction Events - runs for the winning team of a map (in case a map ended in a tie, this type of event is skipped), if they complete it they get extra rewards.
* Mini Events - Starts once the faction event is over, this is a short type event with only funny objectives, registration to event is required.
* Grand Bosses - In peak times, there is a chance that a grand boss event will start for all players after a mini event ends.

* AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes.
* 4 hours buff duration.
* Buff slots 20+4.
* Summons restore buffs when resummoned.
* Buffs kept after death (including toggles).
* Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours.
* Anti buff griefing system.
* Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot.
* Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds.

* Retail enchant rates.
* Only blessed enchant scrolls available.
* Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body).
* Max enchant +16.
* Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%.

* PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame.
* Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die.
* Players can be spoiled for extra rewards.
* Debuffs and heals also count as damage.
* Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player).
* Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP.

Class Balance
* Energy stones cannot be used to increase force.
* Dash reuse doubled.
* Increased all cubic chances.
* Revival can be used at 15% HP instead of 5%.
* Removed all full lethals.
* Heroic Miracle duration reduced to 8 seconds.
* Increased Arrest range.
* Increased Force Barrier reuse delay.
* Mirage reuse doubled.
* Mirage chance reduced from 80% to 50%.
* Reduced full recovery chance from hero rod/scepter to 1%.
* Cat/Pony buffs are target self/pet only.
* Increased Whiplash reuse delay.
* Armor Mastery penalty enabled outside of olympiad.
* Critical damage bonus for blows reduced from x2 to x1.4 outside of olympiad.
* All fear and stun skills base duration reduced to 2 seconds.
* All silence skills base duration reduced to 4 seconds.
* All debuff durations were reduced.
* Increased max targets that can be attacked by a warlord by 5.
* Necro summons can only receive speed buffs.
* Greatly reduced m.crit rate outside of olympiad.
* Reduced m.crit damage from x4 to x3 outside of olympiad.
* Archers damage reduced by 15% outside of olympiad.
* Increased warlords damage by 25% outside of olympiad.
* Destroyers cannot reduce more than 40% of target's max HP+CP in a single hit outside of olympiad.
* Increased summons damage by 20% outside of olympiad.
* Increased human tankers damage by 20% outside of olympiad when not wearing a bow.
* Increased elf and dark elf tankers damage by 50% outside of olympiad when not wearing a bow.
* Gladiators force skills damage reduced by 25% outside of olympiad.
* Tyrants force skills damage reduced by 10% outside of olympiad.

More Balance Changes
* Bonus buff for people who die too much without making kills.
* Bonus buff for losing team during an event.
* Elo/Count based balance systems.
* Team balance system.
* Gear dependent reward system.
* Anti farm system.
* Anti AFK system.

* Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available.
* Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login.
* Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2.
* Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday.
* Fights regardless of player's faction.
* Minimum participants needed is 5.
* 3 Olympiad quests enabled.
* Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5.

* 5 Members maximum inside events.
* Increased EXP/SP/Adena rewards when playing in party.
* Party limiting to 28 points max, so a party cannot become too strong.
* Healers count as 15 points, tankers as 12 points, anything else 0.
* Brown title color for party members.

* No clan penalties.
* 10 members maximum in main clan.
* 5 extra members for every royal guard/royal knight the clan has.
* 2 clans maximum in an alliance.
* Free leveling up to level 2.
* Levels 3, 4 and 5 requires SP and quest items (buyable from GM shop).
* Levels 6, 7 and 8 requires reputation points.
* Only same faction can be inivted to clan or alliance.
* Weekly retail like Aden castle siege for clans.
* Clan wars - clans can declare war againts clans of opposite faction.

Voiced Commands
* .info - used during events to show the top players, the score of each team, the goal of the current event and to see own score.
* .playalone / .playinparty - turn on/off random parties while joining events.
* .shotsoff / .animon / .animoff / .allanimoff - show/hide animations, use if have client lags.
* .scoreon / .scoreoff - show/hide the scorebar during events.
* .msgon / .msgoff - show/hide killing streak messages on screen.
* .radaron / .radaroff - show/hide player radar in events.
* .setpin / .changepin / .writepin - manage character-level security pincode.
* .elo - if used on others can show others Elo points, otherwise shows self Elo points.
* .joinparty - auto join a party during an event.
* .progress - use to get information about server current stage, next stage and progress to next stage.

* Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards.
* Rebirth system with skills as rewards.
* Global vote reward system for Adena.
* Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill.
* Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day.
* Shift+click players in town to view their items/stats/clan and skills.
* Ctrl+click on GCP/QHP to activate auto use of them.
* Player ranks system.
* Killing spree system.
* Events voting system.
* Announcements upon raidbosses/grandbosses death.
* Advanced GM shop with stages, gifts, stocks and more.
* Grand master for subclasses, clan/ally management, skill learning and more.
* Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions.
* Return skill for all classes instead of SoE.
* Free 1st/2nd/3rd class change.
* Free subclass.
* Dedicated private store zone.
* Special town for both factions for improved server economy.
* Base starting level 74 (including subclasses).
* Max level 80 (including subclasses).
* Offline shops.
* Trade chat is faction only chat.
* Shout chat is region chat and will show player's faction.
* Hero chat is global chat and will show player's faction.
* Players can duel in town.
* Services NPC (faction change, gender change etc...).
* Tranining Dummy NPCs to test your class from different prespectives.
* Tablet of Information which shows useful tips, info and boss status.
* Free freight.
* Free Warehouse Keeper.
* Augmenter.
* Symbol Maker.
* 10 seconds spawn protection.
* Increased weight/inventory/private store slots.
* Players do not lose exp upon death.
* No death panalities.
* Max 2 chars per PC (only 1 in event).
* Character pincode system.
* Mini games.
* Wedding.
* Spoilers can spoil players.
* Auto loot.

Come and join ;)
Автор: VldM 0 13 июля 2016 18:37  -1 баллов

l2beast.ruСтарт ОБТ сервера Craft-PvP Х50!!!
Старт ОБТ сервера Craft-PvP Х50!!!

Друзья, мы рады сообщить, что запуск ОБТ сервера Beast x50 состоится 15 июля 2016 года в 19:00 по Москве! Сейчас же, мы предлагаем вам ознакомиться с нашим форумом - заработать Монеты удачи и найти верных друзей! Настоятельно рекомендуем использовать Beast_Updater.exe, для полноценного обновления клиента. В обычном патче лишь минимальный набор файлов, для входа в игру.

Спасибо за выбор нашего проекта.
с Уважением администрация проекта L2beast.ru
Автор: Гость 0 13 июля 2016 6:07  -1 баллов
Автор: Гость 0 12 июля 2016 22:02  -1 баллов

la2-ultimatum.comТы спросишь меня, чем вы лучше другой серой массы серверов?
Первое и самое важное, мы не обещаем, мы делаем!
Занимаюсь серверами больше 6 лет!
Все сервера, работали минимум 1 год, без вайпов!
Да, у нас нет большего онлайн, но все кто есть, как семья!
Нет играющих ГМ, ЕГМ и т.д.. Мы стараемся делать всё для вас.
Мы не продаём Админку, Скиллы и прочее в таком духе.
Всё что есть в донате, можно получить игровым путём!
(Кроме Ника с символами), 100% гарантия Честности!
15.07.2016 запускается сервер на базе Epilogue x1200
Вот ряд Акций и бонусов, а тут подробное описание сервера.

Ждём тебя и твоих друзей на старте: 15.07.2016 в 18-00 по МСК.

100% гарантия без вайпа - на весь срок существования сервера, а он неограничен!
Автор: Сергей Озорной 0 10 июля 2016 19:34  -1 баллов
Самый шикарный сервер,эпилог х1200 все сюдаааа!
Автор: Гость 1 29 июня 2016 3:16  -1 баллов

Лучший интерлюд проект l2-wolf.ru
Автор: Алексей Берлизов 0 17 июня 2016 23:55  -1 баллов

24lineage.ru[L2J - High Five] L2 Order VS Chaos [Faction][NEW SEASON][20.05.2016]
[L2J - High Five] L2 Order VS Chaos [Faction][NEW SEASON][20.05.2016]

The gameplay is based on a routine of events which will run constantly, each event has its own goals.
* Maps - The longest events with biggest kinds of goals to accomplish, maps will end faster if their goal is achieved, a raid boss will spawn 5 minutes before the map ends.
* Faction Events - runs for the winning team of a map (in case a map ended in a tie, this type of event is skipped), if they complete it they get extra rewards.
* Mini Events - Starts once the faction event is over, this is a short type event with only funny objectives, registration to event is required.
* Grand Bosses - In peak times, there is a chance that a grand boss event will start for all players after a mini event ends.

* AIO buffer with 7 premade editable schemes (no Counter Critical / Song of Wind Storm).
* 4 hours buff duration.
* Buff slots 20+4.
* Summons restore buffs when resummoned.
* Buffs kept after death (including toggles).
* Cubics casted on self are kept after death and last for 4 hours.
* Anti buff griefing system.
* Symbols and Event buffs do not take a buff slot.
* Cancelled buffs return after 7 seconds.

* Retail enchant rates.
* Only blessed enchant scrolls available.
* Auxiliary stones can be used with blessed scrolls.
* Safe enchant +3 (+4 full body).
* Max enchant +16.
* Attributing enabled.
* Life stones chances: Low 3%, Mid 6%, High 9%, Top 12%.

* PvP rewards with EXP/SP/Adena/Items which players can use to make progress ingame.
* Players get rewarded according to damage done on enemies when they die.
* Players can be spoiled for extra rewards.
* Debuffs and heals also count as damage.
* Players get rewarded for resurrecting (limited to 5 minutes per player).
* Healers, tankers, supports and summoners can gain PvP points by EXP.

Class Balance (no effect inside olympiad)
* Necromancer summons can only receive speed buffs.
* Players with less than 13k Elo counts as newbies.
* AoE charge damage skills damage are divided by sqrt amount of targets.
* Mana burn skills damage doubled.
* Steal abnormal acts as normal cancel.
* Mirage will have no effect on attacker if damage dealt is less than 500.
* Energy stones cannot be used to increase charges.
* Heroic Mircale duration reduced to 8 seconds.
* Rush Impact chance reduced to 10%, limited to 1-3 targets and 300 range.
* The above chance increase if enchanted by 1% chance for every 2 levels enchanted by chance.
* Magic critical rate reduced by half vs newbies.
* Magic critical damage reduced by half vs newbies.
* No buff sharing between Phoenix Knight and its summon.
* Fear/Stun base duration is 2 seconds.
* Silence base duration is 4 seconds.
* Paralyze/Debuffs with duration of 120 reduced to 30, duration of 60 reduced to 20 and duration of 30 reduced to 15.
* The above durations increase if enchanted by 1 second for every 2 levels enchanted by time.

More Balance Changes
* Bonus buff for people who die too much without making kills.
* Bonus buff for newbies to increase resistance.
* Bonus buff for losing team during an event.
* Elo/Count based balance systems.
* Team balance system.
* Gear dependent reward system.
* Anti farm system.
* Anti AFK system.

* Only 1vs1 class irrelevant matches available.
* Time left until olympiad period ends shows up for players upon login.
* Runs only at Friday/Saturday/Sunday 18:00 GMT +2 until 22:00 GMT +2.
* Weekly cycle with 1/4 rewards, heroes every Monday.
* Fights regardless of player's faction.
* Minimum participants needed is 5.
* 3 Olympiad quests enabled.
* Registration to olympaid is open only for players with at least rank 5.

* 5 Members maximum inside events.
* Increased EXP/SP/Adena rewards when playing in party.
* Party limiting to 28 points max, so a party cannot become too strong.
* Healers count as 15 points, tankers as 12 points, anything else 0.
* Brown title color for party members.

* No clan penalties.
* 10 members maximum in main clan.
* 5 extra members for every royal guard/royal knight the clan has.
* 2 clans maximum in an alliance.
* Free leveling up to level 2.
* Levels 3, 4 and 5 requires SP and quest items (buyable from GM shop).
* Levels 6, 7, 8 and 11 requires fame.
* Levels 9 and 10 requires fame and quest items (buyable from GM shop).
* Only same faction can be inivted to clan or alliance.
* Weekly retail like Aden castle siege for clans.
* Clan wars - clans can declare war againts clans of opposite faction.

Voiced Commands
* .info - used during events to show the top players, the score of each team, the goal of the current event and to see own score.
* .playalone / .playinparty - turn on/off random parties while joining events.
* .shotsoff / .animon / .animoff / .allanimoff - show/hide animations, use if have client lags.
* .scoreon / .scoreoff - show/hide the scorebar during events.
* .msgon / .msgoff - show/hide killing streak messages on screen.
* .setpin / .changepin / .writepin - manage character-level security pincode.
* .debug - shows the player how his stats affect the final result (in damage, enchant rate etc).
* .elo - if used on others can show others Elo points, otherwise shows self Elo points.
* .joinparty - auto join a party during an event.

* Unique achievements system with levels and amazing rewards.
* Rebirth system with certification skills as rewards.
* Global vote reward system for Adena.
* Personal vote reward system for temporary passive skill.
* Double EXP/SP event at random times during the day.
* Shift+click players in town to view their items/stats/clan and skills.
* Ctrl+click on GCP/QHP to activate auto use of them.
* Player ranks system.
* Killing spree system.
* Events voting system.
* Announcements upon raidbosses/grandbosses death.
* Advanced GM shop with stages, gifts, stocks and more.
* Grand master for subclasses, clan/ally management, skill learning (including Pomander skills) and more.
* Toggle skill for CP/HP/MP instead of potions.
* Return skill for all classes instead of SoE.
* Free 1st/2nd/3rd class change.
* Free subclass.
* Dedicated private store zone.
* Special town for both factions for improved server economy.
* Base starting level 80 (including subclasses).
* Max level 85 (including subclasses).
* Offline shops.
* Trade chat is faction only chat.
* Shout chat is region chat and will show player's faction.
* Hero chat is global chat and will sow player's faction.
* Players can duel in town.
* Services NPC (faction change, gender change etc...).
* Tranining Dummy NPCs to test your class from different prespectives.
* Tablet of Information which shows useful tips, info and boss status.
* Free mail.
* Free Warehouse Keeper.
* Augmenter.
* Symbol Maker.
* 10 seconds spawn protection.
* Increased weight/inventory/private store slots.
* Players do not lose exp upon death.
* No death panalities.
* Max 2 chars per PC (only 1 in event).
* Character pincode system.
* PvP items are elementable, tradeable and augmentable.
* Mini games.
* Wedding.
* Spoilers can spoil players.
* Auto loot.

Website : L2 Order VS Chaos Factions Server
Forum : Forums - L2 Order VS Chaos Community
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/L2OvC
Автор: Гость 0 13 мая 2016 5:03  +1 балл

1stpvp.comСуУпер Сервак! Interlude x 50 Заходите не пожалеете!
Онлайн еще маленький, дело наживное, реклама крутится и будет продолжать. Зайдите зацените, можете отписать на форуме, что не понравилось, удалять не будут!
>>>>> L2WILD.RU <<<<<
Автор: Alexx 0 12 мая 2016 17:56  0 балловСуУпер Сервак! Interlude x 50 Заходите не пожалеете!
Онлайн еще маленький, дело наживное, реклама крутится и будет продолжать. Зайдите зацените, можете отписать на форуме, что не понравилось, удалять не будут!
>>>>> L2WILD.RU <<<<<
Автор: Alexx 0 12 мая 2016 17:56  0 баллов

Black-Attack.ruL2Festina interlude pvp
Server is Classic (NO CUSTOM) PvP Server with Safe +3 and Max Enchant +16.We Support all Official PTS Features (Retail like: Siege,Fortress,Olympiad,Noblesses,Clan,Skills Formulas,Class Balance,Geodata and more). Our Server is based on Premium RUSSIAN Project LUCERA 3 and Modified by Greek Developers

Автор: l2festina 1 11 мая 2016 20:38  0 баллов

1stpvp.comL2Festina interlude pvp
Server is Classic (NO CUSTOM) PvP Server with Safe +3 and Max Enchant +16.We Support all Official PTS Features (Retail like: Siege,Fortress,Olympiad,Noblesses,Clan,Skills Formulas,Class Balance,Geodata and more). Our Server is based on Premium RUSSIAN Project LUCERA 3 and Modified by Greek Developers

Автор: l2festina 0 11 мая 2016 20:37  0 баллов

desl.ruГруппа ВКонтакте
У сервера появилась официальная Группа ВКонтакте Desl.ru. Самые свежие новости сервера (даже если сайт сервера по какой-то причине недоступен), юмор, Lineage2 Art и многое другое. Вступайте или подписывайтесь, мы всем Вам рады!
Автор: Евгений Трюхан 0 4 мая 2016 17:09  +1 балл

Nikolay NikolaevLineage 2
Lineage 2
Автор: Nikolay Nikolaev 0 24 апреля 2016 4:02  -1 баллов

4EMIIUOHпромо ролик
Рекламные ролики на любой вкус и цвет)

Контактная информация:
skype: devaltords
icq: 499 102 598
e-mail: devaltor@gmail.com

В короткие сроки и без предоплаты. 4 года работы без претензий.
Автор: 4EMIIUOH 0 15 апреля 2016 3:49  0 балловЛучший классический сервер, открытие 18 марта
Открытие классического PvP сервера Interlude x1200 la2strong.ru
состоится 18 марта в 20-00 МСК!

Встречайте жаркий классический PvP Сервер la2strong.ru x1200!
Вас ждёт современная версия Lineage 2 с отточенным балансом классов, быстрой прокачкой и максимумом премиальных возможностей.
Подпишись на легендарный хардкор!
Автор: Гость 0 23 февраля 2016 5:06  +1 балл

AnoriS.ruНабор на ЗБТclassic Interlude x1200
Открыт набор игроков для теcтирования PvP сервера la2strong.ru classic Interlude x1200
На данный момент, было принято решение отобрать 50 человек на тест игры. Для участия в тесте необходимо изъявить желание на форуме сервера la2strong.ru Перед проведением ЗБТ наши сотрудники с вами свяжутся
Автор: Гость 0 15 февраля 2016 2:55  +1 балл

desl.ruНачался ивент Валентина
10.02 - 20.02 Пройдет ивент Валентина. Помогайте с тортами Розалии и она Вас щедро вознаградит! В награде: Свиток трансформации в Единорога, камни зачарования, кристаллы атрибута, благословенные свитки зачарования, возвращения и воскрешения, зелья восстановления HP, временная эпическая бижутерия и золотые слитки.
Администрация сервера поздравляет всех с праздником и желает Вам искренней и взаимной Любви!
Удачи в Ивенте!
Автор: Евгений †ntking† 1 11 февраля 2016 12:06  0 баллов Скоро открытие новго сервера! НЕ ПРОПУСТИ!
Приглашаем Вас на комплекс серверов VALTERIA!
Хроники Interlude.
Сервер х9: Слабые РБ, магазин до Б-грейда, баффы по 5 часов, Печати Силы.

Новый тестовый сервер Hero PvP х25000: Вы можете купить всего за 10 ивент медалей свиток "One Day Hero" и стать самым сильным игроком. Магазин до S-грейда, нет переточенных игроков, Эпик РБ бижутерия всего за 75 монет!


Ждем Вас на нашем сервере!
Автор: VALTERIA 0 3 февраля 2016 15:16  0 баллов

euro-off.netСкоро открытие новго сервера! НЕ ПРОПУСТИ!
Приглашаем Вас на комплекс серверов VALTERIA!
Хроники Interlude.
Сервер х9: Слабые РБ, магазин до Б-грейда, баффы по 5 часов, Печати Силы.

Новый тестовый сервер Hero PvP х25000: Вы можете купить всего за 10 ивент медалей свиток "One Day Hero" и стать самым сильным игроком. Магазин до S-грейда, нет переточенных игроков, Эпик РБ бижутерия всего за 75 монет!


Ждем Вас на нашем сервере!
Автор: VALTERIA 0 3 февраля 2016 15:15  0 балловСкоро открытие новго сервера! НЕ ПРОПУСТИ!
Приглашаем Вас на комплекс серверов VALTERIA!
Хроники Interlude.
Сервер х9: Слабые РБ, магазин до Б-грейда, баффы по 5 часов, Печати Силы.

Новый тестовый сервер Hero PvP х25000: Вы можете купить всего за 10 ивент медалей свиток "One Day Hero" и стать самым сильным игроком. Магазин до S-грейда, нет переточенных игроков, Эпик РБ бижутерия всего за 75 монет!


Ждем Вас на нашем сервере!
Автор: VALTERIA 0 3 февраля 2016 15:14  0 баллов

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