Описание сервера комплекса:
Server Side

Max Windows per IP : x3

Pin Code Security

Smart Guard Security


Exp Rate : x10

SP Rate : x10

Adena Rate : x5

Item Drop Rate : x5

Spoil Drop Rate : x5


Buffer only basic prophet buffs for fighters , mages.

GM shop To exchange Event Medals,Vote Runes,PC Bang Points for other usefull items.

Global Market to buy and sell items without making stores aka Auction.

Service Npc includes all premium things like buying exp runes,color name/title,wh expand etc... [Nothing overpowered].

Class changer Npc Require Adena + Vote runes to change for each profession , if you do not want to spend , then retail way will be.


Auto Loot : Enabled

Herbs : Enabled

Skill Learning : Retail

Shift + Click on mobs : Enabled

Sub Class : Retail

Noblesse : Retail

Buffs Duration : Retail

Offline Shop : Enabled

Accounts : auto create

Quests All quests working 100%
Class's All class's working 100%
Olympiad working 100% starts everyday at 18:00. Retail Cycle.

PC Bang System you can exchange them for Farm Boxes that will help you on farming.

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Event Medal Collection System For each mob you kill there is a high chance to obtain an Event Medal the more you collect the faster you progress. You can exchange Event Medals on GM Shop for Exp Runes,Accessores,Armors,Weapons,Jewls up to C grade.

Special feature

Dungeons Gather your friends and try to beat the strong monsters that hide inside the dungeons and you will be rewarded with special items.

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Command: .instancezone to see the time left and re-entry time. Dungeons reset every 16 hours.

Note* Each dungeon holds 20 Channels, that means you can enter with your party without messing with other people.

График голосований за сервер
График голосований за сервер

График переходов на сайт сервера
График переходов на сайт сервера

График изменения онлайна
График изменения онлайна